Partnering (Dracula)

We wanted to show a potential partner what we’d been up to, so we took one of our favorite chapters and polished the output a little. “Some post-production magic, music, a little intro… just like what authors may choose to do,” said PJ — which is exactly how he did it when he created the Hypnovel prototype to launch his own book.

And because we loved the effect created by adding intros and music, we wanted it on all our demos. We built a template to do it manually on After Effects, using basic functions anyone could use, and started to give all our favorite chapters the same treatment.

But we knew we had to give authors and other creators a tool that automated these add-ons.  Thomas rolled up his sleeves and worked on a dynamic way to include the intro, while Johnny initiated conversations with potential generated music partners.

A week later, the intros were ready to go. We liked what The Dreamaker did with Bram Stoker’s classic, Dracula,

so we chose to polish that one for the partner meeting.

Check this out:

(Music is still manual, though. Working on it…)


Add Your Own Touches (Book of Genesis, Opening Chapters)


How Did Hypnovels Begin? (The Girl from Wudang)