How Did Hypnovels Begin? (The Girl from Wudang)


It started as a promo for a single book. 

When PJ was launching his sci-fi novel, The Girl from Wudang ,

he decided to experiment with AI animations and created the world’s first generative AI book trailer in November 2022. That’s when he realized there might be a way to turn paragraphs into prompts for an animation. Months later, in June 2023, he presented his first prototype at an OpenAI event in Cannes, France. The video was created manually but in a way that could eventually be programmed. The response to the result was so enthusiastic we decided to develop the tool.

It took us months not only to assemble the right forms of generative AI but also to fine-tune them to allow the agents to create coherent dreams that retained the audience’s attention, without interfering too much with the images we were creating in our own minds.

PS: The voice of the very first narrator is still one of our favorites. You can find her as Yinyin.


Partnering (Dracula)


Pronunciation Hallucination (Moby-Dick)